New year’s resolutions

vienna lifestyle blog New year's resolutions

New Year’s resolutions. New Year’s resolutions are quite easy to define but difficult to maintain. It is also hard to keep up the enthusiasm after the Christmas holidays but it’s not impossible. Each January I normally promise to better myself in some way, this year not anymore! I just want […]

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My big West USA holiday trip

West USA holiday trip _Valentina in Shorts vienna lifestyle blog

West USA holiday trip. Finally I am writing about my BIG West USA holiday trip I had last September and believe me, my heart is beating fast.  I have to find the right words for describing the wonderful experience we had during our honeymoon in West Usa: I discovered breathtaking places […]

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Holiday gift guide

holiday gift guide 2016 vienna lifestyle blog

Holiday gift guide 2016. Wow it is already December and I can not wait to spend some quality time with my family and go skiing on my beautiful Dolomites. (Please….snow, come here!!!) Now, it is high time to get into the festive mood, so here I would share with you some Christmas gift ideas. […]

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